Coffee Beans

Our collections of specialty roasted coffee's for home use. Order whole bean to grind fresh at home or pre-ground ready to brew. Each bean has been through our discovery process being tested for quality, flavor and peak performance for which roast level. 

If you love dark roasts, medium, or light roast we have found the best bean for each roast profile. 

Coffee Beans - Ascend Coffee Roasters
Loloru - Dark Roast - Ascend Coffee Roasters - #craftcoffee# - #femaleownedcoffee#
Espresso - Dark Roast - Ascend Coffee Roasters - #craftcoffee# - #femaleownedcoffee#
Agaro - Light Roast - Ascend Coffee Roasters - #craftcoffee# - #femaleownedcoffee#
Indie Decaf - Dark Roast - Ascend Coffee Roasters - #craftcoffee# - #femaleownedcoffee#